Joining the Registry
Donation Process
HLA Typing
Post Donation
Donor Responsibilities
Myths and Facts
Donor FAQs
Technical FAQs
Donor Experiences
Become A Donor
To join the Registry, you need..Read More
About MDR(I)
The MDR(I) is a database of voluntary Donors..Read More
- MDR(I) Registration form
- MDR(I) Donation form
> Post Donation  
You will be deferred from the registry for 12 months. At the end of this period you will automatically be re-activated in the registry system unless you notify your Donor co-ordinator that you no longer wish to remain on the registry. If you are a blood donor, you should be deferred from blood donation for six months after donation. After that period you can donate blood provided you are well and meet the blood donation requirements.
Incase of Peripheral Blood Stem Cell(PBSC) donation, you will be deferred from blood donation for three months after a G-CSF stimulated stem cell donation. You can donate blood after that period if you meet the blood donation requirements and following clearance at physical follow-up.
 Follow - Up
If you have donated Stem cells your MDR(I) Donor Center co-ordinator will follow-up with you atleast weekly until you are able to resume normal activity. You will also receive a phone call at three months and an annual telephone call for upto five years to check your general condition.
If you have donated PBSCs you will be asked to see your General Practitioner(GP) at a designated date after the donation. Stem cells registries worldwide have collected and continue to collect long-term information on people who have received G-CSF. It is particularly important to have this information because donor registries, including the MDR(I), are committed to continue the systematic collection of follow-up data to further clarify if there are any positive or negative long-term effects from receiving G-CSF.
 The MDR(I) would therefore like to review you medically 3 months and annually for five years. If any abnormal findings in follow-up testing are identified you will be referred to your GP or a relevant physician.